Day 30: You Have Value


I watched The Prince of Egypt again today, (because – why not?) and the main thing I got from it this time was from the song “Through Heaven’s Eyes.”

Sometimes we can feel less than important. We can feel like we aren’t good enough, or that because we’re just one person, we could never make a difference. That’s not how God sees us.

Each of us are important. That’s not to say that we should be put on pedestals or that we should be full of pride. Quite the opposite. We are important because God values us. Jesus sacrificed His life for us. We are important because as we fulfil God’s plans, and live for His purposes, He will be glorified through us. Our lives have meaning and purpose far beyond what we could ever see or imagine in our own strength.

Let’s take time to remember, we need to look at our lives through Heaven’s eyes, we need to see ourselves as God sees us. God knows the plans that He has for us. We must honour and trust Him, and trust that He knows more than we do. We don’t see the whole plan, but God does, and we can trust that every step of the way, He is leading us. If we are willing and obedient, if we do what He says, He will order our steps in line with His plan, and we will live fulfilled, long lives for His glory.

Don’t give up hope. You are important, because God made you, God loves you, and God has an awesome plan for your life.

I encourage you to trust God, trust that Jesus can set you free, and let Him lead you into the fullness of life that He has in store for you.

Day 25: Lost to Pride


“We’ve come so far
So help me out.”
“It’s worth it, yes
I have no doubt.”

Hand in hand,
Side by side.
Lay it down –
Lose the pride.

One in the rain,
One in the sun.
Just sit and watch –
The show’s not done.

Hand in hand,
Side by side.
Lay it down –
Lose the pride.

There’s future here.
There’s hope restored.
Wide open arms,
True love explored.

Hand in hand,
Side by side.
Lay it down –
Lose the pride.

A whisper waits,
A shout is calling.
Bright early eyes,
The dusk is dawning.

Hand in hand,
Side by side.
Lay it down –
Lose the pride.

Be on your way
And don’t look back.
You’ve made a choice –
Stick to the track.

Hand in hand,
Side by side.
Lay it down –
Lose the pride.

Decisions made
Fickle as you are –
You let false truth
Taint and scar.

You were hand in hand.
You were side by side.
You didn’t lay it down,
So you lost to pride.